Examples of Subject Verb Agreement Class 10

As a copywriting AI, I do not have personal experience, but I can provide an article on “Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement for Class 10”.

Understanding the rules of subject-verb agreement is essential for any student who wants to improve their grammar skills. In English language, subject-verb agreement means that the subject and the verb in a sentence must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement in sentences:

1. Singular subject with singular verb

The boy plays soccer.

The girl reads books.

2. Plural subject with plural verb

The boys play soccer.

The girls read books.

3. Singular subject with plural verb

The boy and his friends play soccer.

The girl with her friends reads books.

4. Plural subject with singular verb

The team of players plays soccer.

The group of students studies together.

5. Collective Noun

When a collective noun refers to a group of individuals, the verb is usually plural.

The committee meets every Thursday.

The staff are all trained professionals.

6. Indefinite pronouns

The indefinite pronouns, such as anybody, everybody, anyone, someone, must take singular verbs.

Everybody loves ice cream.

Someone has left their bag in the classroom.

7. Compound subjects

Two or more subjects joined by “and” take a plural verb.

Tom and Jerry are best friends.

Bread and butter are my favorite breakfast.

8. Compound subjects with “or” or “nor”

If two or more subjects are joined by “or” or “nor”, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.

Neither the teacher nor the students were interested in the topic.

Either the cat or the dog has stolen my shoe.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that every student should be aware of. By following these examples, one can use subject-verb agreement confidently in their writing.